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Roofing company in tri-cities with 100% customer satisfaction!

Top Rated Roofers in Tri-cities and Beyond!

Miguel Ziranda

Lead Roofing Specialist | 15+ years of experience

Miguel Ziranda

Miguel Ziranda, a cornerstone of Central WA Roofing, brings over 15 years of extensive roofing experience to the team. His journey began in residential roofing, where he honed his skills in various roofing applications and techniques. Miguel’s expertise has since grown to encompass complex commercial roofing projects, making him a versatile and invaluable asset.

As Lead Roofing Specialist, Miguel not only supervises roofing projects but also plays a critical role in client consultations. His keen eye for detail and commitment to excellence ensures that each project meets the highest standards. Miguel's ability to communicate effectively with clients, understanding their vision and concerns, sets him apart in the industry.

Continuously enhancing his skill set through advanced training and certifications, Miguel stays at the forefront of roofing technology and sustainability practices. Outside of work, he is an avid soccer fan and enjoys participating in local leagues and community events.

Contact Miguel Ziranda Now

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5 Star Reviewed Roofing Company in Tri Cities & Yakima

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